

Even though I left the porch light off, one group of kids still decided to ring our doorbell to trick or treat. I ignored them and continued to watch tv, but the bastards wouldn't leave. So I figured I might as well give them some bags of jellybeans that had been laying around for a while. I open the door and expect to see 2 or 3, but instead there are 7. I only had 3 bags of jellybeans. For a minute, I was going to grab the mace and show them a scary trick instead. But I had found exactly 4 Rice Krispy treats in the kitchen.

In other news, 5824 will soon be upgrading to 5 tv's. That's right, 5. Chris (who just received access to the 5824 blog) is a tv addict.


wear your 5824 shirt, and you can fly!


Jason's been playing this Nintendo Donkey Konga game, which involves banging on bongos, slapping on bongos, and making funny sounds. He actually made some kind of primal scream just a few minutes ago. Not my kind of game.

The King's Club also recently received a Donkey Kong arcade machine. I've played it a couple times, and I suck. You would think jumping over barrels and climbing ladders would be easy, but those one button arcade games are tougher than they look. At least I don't have to pop in quarters to play and I have the current high score at a lousy 13,500 (only got to level 3). If only we could get an original Street Fighter II machine in there somehow.

Why is the gorilla named Donkey? Does anyone else ever find that strange? Is Donkey related to to the King? I know there's a Donkey Kong Jr. game, but why no Ms. Donkey Kong game? All right, no more monkeying around from me.


5+8+2+4 now officially equals 3

In related news, Danny = 26


why did we bring basketball jerseys to andy and pam's wedding?

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