

Well, it happened again at 5824.

Another killing has taken place. This time, the victim was a cat which belonged to our neighbor. As I drove home about 8:30pm, I saw a small white furball laying motionless on the street outside our house. It had just recently been hit, but thankfully not a lot of blood and guts spilled out. (At no time did I think about stuffing the cat and adding it to the jungle decor of the guest room. No time until now, that is.)

The suspect is still at large. At this time, we do not believe there is a connection to the rabbit murder. We have contacted O.J. and he has agreed to help us find the real killers and bring them to justice.


The lemon tree which was transplanted next to our driveway is no more. Hacked to pieces and carted off, along with every other tree on the corner property.

When life gives you lemons, you're suppoosed to make lemonade. What happens if they take the lemons away? Are we supposed to just drink water? Lucky for me, Tampico is on sale this week at Albertson's.


Our answering machine had a rather interesting message today.

'Rebecca' was calling for 'Paul' with a message from 'Frank' (the names are in quotes because I have no idea who they are.) Rebecca just dropped off Frank to get on a plane to go somewhere, but Frank had a message for Paul. The message involves some stock tip involving an oil company, CREA or TREA (she was kind of confused). The stock is currently at $0.55, but should go up to 3 or 4 dollars soon. If Paul wants in on it, he should buy now before the morning and before the prices go up. Frank thinks this stock will be big.

Invest now folks. I'm buying 4500 shares. If everything tanks, blame Rebecca for calling the wrong number.


Welcome back Jason!!!

Now go wash the dishes.


I just wrote a rent check. Now I remember why Jason and I should find another roommate. If you know anyone who might be interested in living in a house in Richmond with 3 tv's, give us a call.

In a related note, if you know anyone who likes to wash dishes, also give me a call. A dishwasher position at 5824 has immediate openings. Part-time work, full time fun. Benefits include being able to watch 3 tv's after you are done washing the dishes. Salary based on experience.

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